Since it is now August, it is time to link up with Farley at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for the monthly Currently Linky!
Listening: The Perks of Being a Wallflower is one of my ALL TIME favorite novels! So naturally....I had to buy the movie when it came out, and while the book is ALWAYS better than the movie, the movie follows the book pretty closely!!
Loving: Last Saturday was my Master's Graduation Ceremony. Although they have it 3 weeks before the last class ends, I only have 2 assignments left, 2 discussion board posts (with a total of 4 comments to make on other people's posts), 1 quiz, and 1 final left && then I am officially done...I plan on finishing it this weekend so it's all done before my school year starts and I can hold that pretty little piece of paper in my hand!
(That's the boyfriend in the picture - he's been VERY supportive with me starting at a new school with a new age group, having a second job tutoring, AND working on my Master's...I'm really lucky <3 )
Thinking: I can't believe the summer is over!! I have in-service days the 8th, 12th, and 13th and then the kiddos are back the 14th! The end of my Master's program and internship ate up my summer!! How I would've finished this tail end during the school year I have no idea, but I'm thankful it was in the summer....even though I didn't have any time to work on the things I wanted to for school or relax...which leads to...
Wanting: I would love one extra week of summer break right now just so I can have some more time WITHOUT having Master's work to do, and I can relax (what is that again?) and work on things for the school year to start....which leads to...
Needing: I need to finish up the rest of this Master's work right now (while listening to The Perks of Being a Wallflower) and then start the label creating, printing, and laminating frenzy!
B2S Must Haves:
1. Cardstock, Printer Ink, and a Laminator are a must have, especially if you're creating your own classroom theme items, labels, etc.

2. 3M Outdoor Mounting Tape is THE BEST to use when mounting on classroom doesn't let anything fall off!
3. COFFEE!! Lately...well mainly all the time now, I have NOT been a morning person...and when working with elementary kiddos you need to be energized and ready to coffee will be re-entering my life! (I kicked a LOT of my caffeine this summer....used to be at 2 Monsters and 1 Coffee a day...Now I'm down to 1 coffee a day sometimes although during the school year it'll be 1 coffee a day!) I <3 my Keurig!!
What are your August Currentlys?!
OOh, yes, coffee, for sure. I love my Keurig, too, but a teacher on my hallway is the "Coffee Queen," and we all chip in coffee and creamer, and she makes it every day! :)
ReplyDeleteI am with you on the laminator and ink, too! I have never heard of that tape--thanks for the tip!!
And oh, how I wish for another week of summer, too! Sigh.
Teach On.
That's awesome that you have a "Coffee Queen"! I'm lucky that we also have a Keurig at school. So I can bring my k-cups from home and make it at school as well! (which is awesome for when I'm running late [or what I think is late], need an extra boost during the day, or just want some iced tea instead!)
DeleteThat tape is AMAZING!!! Ever since I started using it, nothing falls down! And a little bit goes a looooong way. So if you're hang a full poster, you'll need to cut like 1/4" strips (if that) and put one in each corner. If it is something close to "paper size" then you just need to cut the 1/4" in have and have a little square in each corner. It'll last the WHOLE YEAR!!
I just wish the for extra week so that I can actually MAYBE relax a little and really focus on my classroom because I've been so focused on this Master's it's room (pictures in previous posts) have gone from what is in that picture to worse from unpacking and purging! But I guess you know what they has to get worse before it can get better, right?
Yes, summer is officially over. I go back to work on Thursday. Congratulations on getting your Masters!!! I just got a laminator for my birthday.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I can't believe I'm in the home stretch with it! I'm actually working on my very last assignment now then just the couple other things and it is OVER! Then I can become a lady leader that can change the world of education! ;-) I have my first in-service on Thursday too....whoever said teachers have summers off, clearly isn't a teacher! :-) Happy Belated Birthday! What kind of laminator did you get?? Laminators are the best!
DeleteThank you for the birthday wishes! I have a Scotch Thermal Laminator. It's different then the one in the picture above. Your labels are looking awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I can't wait until they're done but they're on the back burner until the other "necessary" things are done for the first day of school! I haven't even taken my laminator out of the box yet, but since I didn't feel like staying past 10:10 PM tonight at school, and I refuse to go in this weekend, my laminator will get PLENTY of use this weekend!
DeleteI definitely need coffee at school! I can relate to that and wishing I had one more week of summer vacation. I'm already back to school, and kids return on Tuesday. Yikes!! Summer flew by!
ReplyDeleteWOW! You guys go back early! I thought my school was early. I hope your first week went well!